java.lang.NoSuchMethodError: org.objectweb.asm.ClassWriter.(Z)V
Di Muso (del 31/05/2011 @ 09:56:17, in Informatica, linkato 3165 volte)
The work around is posted in the following link


The ASM package is needed by the cglib package, which is part of the Hibernate libraries. If we remove that package, Jersey will work correctly, but Hibernate will stop working. To solve this conflict use cglib-nodep.jar instead of cglib.jar and keep ASM version 3.x with Jersey. cglib-nodep.jar includes some ASM classes demanded by cglib.jar, changing the package name to avoid any class conflict.

The ASM library is a Java bytecode manipulation and analysis framework. According to its website "(...) it can be used to modify existing classes or dynamically generate classes, directly in binary form. Provides common transformation and analysis algorithms to easily assemble custom complex transformations and code analysis tools". ASM is used by many products like AspectJ, Oracle TopLink, JRuby, and many others. It can not be simply ignored by frameworks because it is a matter of flexibility. The best alternative is always to investigate the unexpected problem and claim for a better error presentation on the JVM.